About us

Our community

We welcome analog photography passionates of all backgrounds, from seasoned professional with decades of experience to curious beginners who just embarked on your photographic journey. We curate and feature a wide array of film photography works that offer unique perspectives on the vibrant tapestry of Saigon life.

Simply hashtag #saigononfilm when you post any film photo about Saigon on Instagram to join our growing community.
Vietnamese family having dinner on the pavement in Saigon
Vietnamese family having dinner on the pavement in Saigon
View of Saigon on a sunny day shot on film
View of Saigon on a sunny day shot on film

Keep loving. Keep capturing.

Our story

We started our community on Instagram back in 2017 with a simple wish: to preserve the legacy of film photography, and to celebrate the unique narratives that unfold on the streets of Saigon.

In a world increasingly dominated by digital imagery, we believe in the enduring magic of analog film, with its rich textures, subtle hues, and inherent unpredictability. Above all, we believe in Saigon, and its humans.

Film is the answer

If you are here, you probably would agree that the photography experience is more authentic on film. On each frame, we allow ourselves to slow down, absorb what we see, and appreciate the beauty with patience and delicacy.

With Saigon On Film, and with you, we want to keep this beautiful medium alive and thriving in the digital age.